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February 18, 2004


A. Rickey

Just on a minor point--my last name has an 'e'. ;)


Oops. Sorry about that, it's corrected now. By the way, you correctly noted in an e-mail that if one believes SSM is wrong in the sense of slavery--or as some would view abortion or capital punishment as wrong--nothing I said would indicate a reason to oppose the FMA. In fact, in that case I think one should support FMA. I was taking "wrong" to mean "opposed to", but on hindsight if you had menat "opposed to" that's probably what you would have said.

A. Rickey

In fairness, while they don't mean the same thing, most of the time 'opposed to' does mean 'wrong.' One of the reasons I blog about banning same-sex marriage so much is that it's a case of an end I'm not convinced is wrong, but I'm not opposed to it, either. ;)

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