Megan McArdle (aka Jane Galt) has a rather lengthy but interesting post concerning gay marriage. The post neither comes out in favor of it, nor opposes it, but merely warns against certain types of arguments. In particular, she first warns against the assumption that because one would not personally react a certain way, nobody would react that way. As she writes:
However, I am bothered by this specific argument, which I have heard over and over from the people I know who favor gay marriage laws. I mean, literally over and over; when they get into arguments, they just repeat it, again and again. "I will get married even if marriage is expanded to include gay people; I cannot imagine anyone up and deciding not to get married because gay people are getting married; therefore, the whole idea is ridiculous and bigoted."
She gives several examples where this type of argument was made in incorrectly made in the past. The flaw is that some people in the "marginal case" will react differently due to the change in law. She notes:
The argument that gay marriage will not change the institution of marriage because you can't imagine it changing your personal reaction is pretty arrogant. It imagines, first of all, that your behavior is a guide for the behavior of everyone else in society, when in fact, as you may have noticed, all sorts of different people react to all sorts of different things in all sorts of different ways, which is why we have to have elections and stuff.
The second thing she warns against is taking advice on how to change an institution from people who realize neither the value nor purpose of the institution. She sums it up best with a quote from GK Chesterson:
In the matter of reforming things, as distinct from deforming them, there is one plain and simple principle; a principle which will probably be called a paradox. There exists in such a case a certain institution or law; let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes gaily up to it and says, "I don't see the use of this; let us clear it away." To which the more intelligent type of reformer will do well to answer: "If you don't see the use of it, I certainly won't let you clear it away. Go away and think. Then, when you can come back and tell me that you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it."
This leads McArdle's second warning:
And second, the unwavering belief that the only reason that marriage, always and everywhere, is a male-female institution (I exclude rare ritual behaviors), is just some sort of bizarre historical coincidence, and that you know better, needs examining. If you think you know why marriage is male-female, and why that's either outdated because of all the ways in which reproduction has lately changed, or was a bad reason to start with, then you are in a good place to advocate reform. If you think that marriage is just that way because our ancestors were all a bunch of repressed bastards with dark Freudian complexes that made them homophobic bigots, I'm a little leery of letting you muck around with it.
I actually agree with both points above. So we may ask, what next? With regards to the first point it is necessary to evaluate specifically how the change to marriage might effect the institution. It's not enough to simply say it is a change and therefore should not be done. People have always warned of dire consequences when changes to marriage were considered. In What Is Marriage For? E.J. Graff (based on Norma Basch) notes that an 1844 New York legislative committee insisted:
that allowing married women to control their own property would lead "to infidelity in the marriage bed, a high rate of divorce, and increased female criminality," while turning marriage from "it's high and holy purposes" into something arranged for "convenience and sensuality."
And the committee was probably right that women owning property has led to an increase in divorce since they are more likely to have the financial means to support themselves should the marriage end. Most people would say, though, that it should not be the case that only men have the means necessary to consider divorce. In any case, it is clearly necessary to examine the means by which a change would effect the institution as well as the motivations for doing so. As Kip Esqurie noted, none of the examples McArdle gave involved situations of discrimination. So how does she explain how gay marriage might effect whether others at the margin marry? She writes:
To which social conservatives reply that institutions have a number of complex ways in which they fulfill their roles, and one of the very important ways in which the institution of marriage perpetuates itself is by creating a romantic vision of oneself in marriage that is intrinsically tied into expressing one's masculinity or femininity in relation to a person of the opposite sex; stepping into an explicitly gendered role. This may not be true of every single marriage, and indeed undoubtedly it is untrue in some cases. But it is true of the culture-wide institution. By changing the explicitly gendered nature of marriage we might be accidentally cutting away something that turns out to be a crucial underpinning.
That is some people might no longer choose to marry as it will no longer be an expression of an explicit gendered role. I had thought, however, that in such a conflict where one person wants a role to be explicitly gendered and another wishes to take that role in spite of his or her gender, the latter's equality rights would generally trump the other's interest in maintaining gender roles. If not we should reconsider a lot of issues. Perhaps women should no longer be allowed to be policemen as some men at the margins are no longer joining the force because it does not afford an opportunity to step into an explicitly gendered role. In this case it is not that I arrogantly suppose nobody would react this way. I simply feel the need for explicit gendered roles is far outweighed by the need to be free of them.
As for an answer to why marriage has always been a man-woman institution, I think the above gives a great explanation. It is not some random coincidence or bizarre rite. Society has always defined roles as explicitly gendered. Men and women had different roles, and it was natural and important that marriage consist of a person in each of these distinct roles. I do not believe it is a coincidence that those groups, especially religious groups, which tend to delineate the most distinct and rigid gender roles also tend to be those most likely to oppose same-sex marriage. I believe it is necessary to combat the idea of government enforced gender roles, and hence necessary to remove the government endorsement of marriage as defining gender roles. There is one answer to why the gate exists, and why it must go. It is not that I don't see the value of marriage. On the contrary, I agree wholeheartedly with McArdle when she writes:
Marriage Matters. It is better for the kids; it is better for the adults raising those kids; and it is better for the childless people in the communities where those kids and adults live. Marriage reduces poverty, improves kids outcomes in all measurable ways, makes men live longer and both spouses happier. Marriage, it turns out, is an incredibly important institution.
An institution as important as that should definitely not be denied to same-sex couples and their families.
As for an answer to why marriage has always been a man-woman institution, I think the above gives a great explanation. It is not some random coincidence or bizarre rite. Society has always defined roles as explicitly gendered. Men and women had different roles, and it was natural and important that marriage consist of a person in each of these distinct roles. I do not believe it is a coincidence that those groups, especially religious groups, which tend to delineate the most distinct and rigid gender roles also tend to be those most likely to oppose same-sex marriage.
So man+woman marriage was created by people in love with their own gender stereotypes, which we've since outgrown eh?
Of course it had nothing whatsoever (or nothing really important anyway) to do with the fact that only one man and one woman can create a child - aka "family". Pure coincidence...
You crack me up.
Posted by: Marty | April 04, 2005 at 06:37 AM
Did I say it had nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that one man and one woman can create a child? No. Has it ever occurred to you that the reason men and women had different gender roles in societies might have something to do with their roles in reproduction? Or do you think that is pure coincidence?
For centuries the fact that women carry and nurse children has been used as a basis for all sorts of legal distinctions between man and woman. See, for example, my references to Bradley v. Illinois in past posts. What we have outgrown is the idea that this fact of life inherently justifies different legal rights or enforced gender roles.
Marriage is obviously more directly related to the gender roles, though, which were in turn based on roles in reproduction. This can be seen by the fact that even elderly women could generally marry because they were still considered women and could play the role of women. It can also be seen by the fact that the few societies which did have same-sex marriage did so by having one person take on the role of the opposite sex. They could obviously not create a child, but they were still capable of stepping into a certain distinct role.
Posted by: Galois | April 04, 2005 at 07:06 AM
An institution as important as that should definitely not be denied to same-sex couples and their families.
I'm not sure you know the purpose of the gate yet. How do you know that the benefits of marriage to society don't flow, in some aspect or another, from a large number or from the residual effects of a large number of people taking gender roles in marriage? Many of the benefits seem to come from people being willing to make sacrefices that are incompatible with more liberal forms of marriage (ie, marriage works as a stabilizing influence on society to the degree that couples are sexually exclusive, and that liberal reforms on marriage, such as no-fault divorce, "wife-swapping", etc, have deluded the power of marriage, or ie, that marriage works because mothers and fathers are willing to commit to raising children and impart their unique gendered gifts to the children).
Marriage has already been tinkered with to a great deal. Some of the changes (race) seem to have had no effect (this is unsurprising since marriage began with no racial barriers since it's only later tinkering that excluded partners based on race), while others clearly did have a (surprisingly or unsuprisingly) negative effect (ie, women's property rights, no fault divorce). In the case where the change had an effect, we were only later in a position to discover how great it was and to muse over whether the change was worth the resultant damage to society. I think it is fair to say that marriage sits at a perilous state right now and I'm not sure how much more tinkering it can stand before irreparable, hugely-negative, perhaps even society-destroying damage is done.
The tiny portion of the population that have inalterable homosexual inclinations already receive the benefits of marriage that the rest of unmarried society receives. I don't see anything yet that justifies altering the definition of marraige in the most fundamental way yet proposed, for the benefit of a small number (which may indeed be out numbered by those would might drop out of marriage entirely if such a change were made), who already are allowed to engage in all but formal, culture-inculcating married behavoir (indeed, a main arugment for gay marriage is that it would remodel marriage for the culture and be emblematic of how gender roles are unnecessary and perhaps societal fictions). I suspect that, having won the right to redefine marriage, you will find that all you have done is destroyed it.
I find your whole crusade against gender roles to be (very innocently and with the best intentions) wrong-headed. It seems to presuppose that there are no gender differences of any importance, and so removing gender consideration from even the most fundamental aspects of society will do no harm. Given the complex physiological and psychological differences betweem men and women, I think trying to force society to believe there are no differences, and refusing to allow the government to account for those differences, is a recipie for collective misery.
Posted by: M | April 04, 2005 at 08:51 AM
I’m not sure you see the purpose of the gate. That, or you have provided ill-chosen examples.
You identified sacrifices that are “incompatible with more liberal forms of marriage” such as “marriage works as a stabilizing influence on society to the degree that couples are sexually exclusive, and that liberal reforms on marriage, such as no-fault divorce, "wife-swapping", etc, have deluded [diluted?] the power of marriage, or ie, that marriage works because mothers and fathers are willing to commit to raising children and impart their unique gendered gifts to the children.”
Does that mean you believe that marriage between same-sex couples would not have the “sexually exclusiv[ity]” benefit? So, even with marriage available to them, same-sex couples would not be monogamous? That’s a gate built of a tired stereotype.
As far as no-fault divorce and “wife-swapping,” umm, not sure of your point. I assume you point to these as a weakening of marriage or, at least, the weakening of sexual exclusivity. Well, homosexuals have had no part in that. Except within the past year, no-fault divorce was not available to same-sex couples. While no fault divorce certainly makes it easier to get a divorce, isn’t the issue really with the couples who use the no fault divorce procedures? Doesn’t it speak more to the committedness of straight couples? It hardly seems justification for keeping the gate up.
Your final example implied that same-sex couples are unwilling to “commit to raising children”. I think you’ll find that statistics contract your assumption.
As far as the “unique gendered gifts,” it seems lofty language which, given the number of single parent households is hardly the reason for keeping the gate intact.
In fact, with the exception of one, none of your examples actually address the question you, yourself, posed: “How do you know that the benefits of marriage to society don’t flow, in some aspect or another, from a large number or from the residual effects of a large number of people taking gender roles in marriage?” A commitment to monogamy, children or the institution of marriage really has nothing to do with “gender roles”. They address themselves to the individual’s commitment to the relationship and their children – without regard to gender.
You also write: “The tiny portion of the population that have inalterable homosexual inclinations already receive the benefits of marriage that the rest of unmarried society receives.”
A couple points: One. If the portion is so tiny, allowing them to marry certain will not have the dire consequences you predict. It’s like adding one drop of fresh water to the Atlantic Ocean. It will not change the ocean as a whole.
Two. While it may be true that unmarried homosexuals have the same rights as unmarried heterosexuals, what unmarried heterosexuals do have is the right be able to marry someone of their choosing. They have that option. That is a big difference.
Posted by: Fool | April 04, 2005 at 02:53 PM
Fool: While it may be true that unmarried homosexuals have the same rights as unmarried heterosexuals, what unmarried heterosexuals do have is the right be able to marry someone of their choosing. They have that option. That is a big difference.
Nope, no difference at all. Heterosexuals -- like homosexuals -- cannot choose to marry someone of the same sex. The available choices are entirely equal. What is not equal, are homosexual's desire to make such choices. There's nothing discriminatory about it.
Posted by: Marty | April 04, 2005 at 05:27 PM
Fool's pretty much covered it. Your examples are almost entirely not even about gender roles. That being said, I wouldn't doubt that there are some advantages in fixed gender roles, but I believe they are far outweighed by the principle of having the freedom to reject assigned gender roles. You write:
At least this is an area where we can honestly disagree. There are a few who claim marriage has nothing to do with gender roles. Bear in mind, however, that a move to be free to reject gender roles does not presuppose that there is no difference in gender. I believe there are differences in gender, but do not wish those differences to be used by the government to dictate our role in society. I also believe there are differences in religion, and yet do not wish to deny equal protection on that basis. Many others agree with me that there are differences in gender, but would not have those differences be used to set universal rules for who may do what based on gender. For example, the "complex physiological and psychological differences between men and women" would certainly effect how one does other jobs--some extremely vital to society--but I would not use gender as a litmus test for these jobs. Likewise other differences between human beings can certainly effect what sort of spouse or parent one would be, and yet I would not have the government choose our spouse for us.
Posted by: Galois | April 04, 2005 at 10:10 PM
I personally could care less "who wears the pants" in a family. Still, there is no escaping the fact that the word "family" would not even exist were it not for the uniquely superior union of one man and one woman. No same-sex couple can ever approach that -- at least not without offending Mr. Howard by attempting to create Franekstein's omelete.
Posted by: Marty | April 04, 2005 at 10:26 PM
We will certainly never agree since you frame the "choice" as "any person of the opposite sex" and I frame "choice" as "any person of one's own choosing".
Under your definition, that works and there is no inconsistency. Under mine, there's a problem.
Unless you're willing to permit the government, your parents or someone else to choose your opposite-sex spouse for you, I maintain that the right is to marry someone of your choosing - not merely someone (anyone) of the opposite sex.
If the right were simply to marry someone of the opposite sex, the government could choose your "mate" - even if you disagreed - and your rights would not have been impugned.
Posted by: Fool | April 05, 2005 at 10:52 AM
Further to Galois's response to M, in almost every other aspect of our society, taking those differences into account is not permissble.
For example, women cannot be excluded from being firefighters based on commonly acknowledged differences in strength.
However, if I needed to be rescued from a burning building, I would much prefer a male firefighter carry me our than a female. I think my chances of survival would be greatly increased.
This is a real, practical difference. However, women cannot be treated differently in this regard - despite the "physiological and psychological differences betweem men and women".
Posted by: Fool | April 05, 2005 at 10:56 AM
Fool: I frame "choice" as "any person of one's own choosing".
Any person? Lets go down the very short list of very minor restrictions:
1. You cannot choose to marry someone who is not "of age".
2. You cannot choose to marry someone who is a close blood relation.
3. You cannot choose to marry someone who is already married to someone else.
4. You cannot choose to marry someone of the same sex.
And neither can I.
Four rules, equally applied to everyone in the country, all of which limit both of our "choices".
So which rules are arbitrary and should be overturned? Which ones are crucial to both the meaning of marriage and the survival of our species? If you can overturn #4, then by what logic will you prevent me from overturning 1 2 and 3?
Posted by: Marty | April 05, 2005 at 06:21 PM
I would just make a quick note about your restrictions 1-4. (1) discriminates on the basis of age (2) and (3) discriminate on the basis of existing legal relationships (in some states restriction (2) even includes non-blood relations) (4) discriminates on the basis of gender.
Posted by: Galois | April 05, 2005 at 11:35 PM
G, so you would strike them all? Because they all discriminate unfairly?
Posted by: Marty | April 06, 2005 at 06:15 AM
Marty, No. And I don't belive they do.
Posted by: Galois | April 06, 2005 at 06:47 AM
Note that the first three restrictions were intended to prevent those couples from procreating. No one objected to any couple like that loving each other, living together, passing on inheritance, or visiting each other in the hospital. All they could not legally do, never ever, was procreate together, and therefore, marry each other. They all were supposed to look elsewhere to find someone to marry. All couples who are married are then allowed to procreate.
(And Fools right, in Massachusetts, it's not just blood relations, but relations through marriage as well - you can't marry your wife's mother, for example (after your wife dies, of course). Interestingly, a woman can marry her husband's father, and a man can marry his son's wife, but a man can't marry his wife's mother or a woman marry her daughter's husband. Like G.K. Chesterton's gate in the road, I suggest we keep those restrictions as they are.)
Posted by: John Howard | April 06, 2005 at 02:19 PM
Note that the first three restrictions were intended to prevent those couples from procreating.
I would argue rather that they were intended to prevent the couples from having sex. Certainly the two ideas are intimately connected, but I think the distinction is worth noting. In certain cases where they can have sex, but cannot procreate marriage is permitted (like in AZ and several other states where marriage is ONLY permitted between first cousins if they can show that they CANNOT procreate). In certain cases where they can procreate, but cannot have sex (like a person donating an egg or sperm to a married couple but for which sex would be adultery) the marriage is prohibited.
Posted by: Galois | April 06, 2005 at 05:27 PM
This is getting very good.
JH: "Note that the first three restrictions were intended to prevent those couples from procreating."
GR: "I would argue rather that they were intended to prevent the couples from having sex."
I would argue that you're either having sex, or just fooling around. You know, doing those things we used to call "crimes against nature". Humans get hungry because we'll die if we dont eat. We get thirsty because we'll die if we dont drink. We get randy because we'll die if we dont mate! Having sex -- even gay sex -- is ABOUT procreation.
And besides, what business is it of the State, to decide who i can "have sex" with, by any definition at all? Are you arguing that marriage isn't even about "having sex"?
Posted by: Marty | April 06, 2005 at 08:02 PM
Having sex -- even gay sex -- is ABOUT procreation.
Well then people can stop saying that gay marriage would send a message that marriage has nothing to do with procreation. All sex, including gay sex, is about procreation and hence we should strive to keep all sex confined to marriage.
And besides, what business is it of the State, to decide who i can "have sex" with, by any definition at all?
You don't think it's any business of the state who you have sex with??!!! I think society has an interest in preventing sex with prepubescent children (even though they can't procreate). Sex has serious public health consequences, as well as emotional and psychological consquences. The fact that in cerain situations sex can lead to conception is also an extremely important aspect of the public interset in sex, but the public interest is not by any means limited to that aspect. Sex is a very serious issue.
Are you arguing that marriage isn't even about "having sex"?
Not at all. What gave you that impression? On the contray I was arguing that one of the reasons for some of the restrictions on whom may marry is that we do not allow the marriage of a couple for whom it is forbidden to have sex. Of course I wouldn't say it's only about "having sex", just as I wouldn't say it's only about procreation. I would say that it has something very important to do with both of those matters. For example, in terms of the sex issue marriage promotes committed monogamous sexual relationships. In terms of the procreation issue marriage helps a couple to face the challenges of raising children born to them.
Posted by: Galois | April 06, 2005 at 11:37 PM
Okay. Point taken. There are currently other restrictions on persons who may marry – aside from gender restrictions. However, it seems a silly point to raise from someone who accuses others of engaging in gamesmanship. Particularly, number 4, which is the very subject of the discussion.
Even taking into account the three “other” restrictions you identified, it doesn’t materially alter the hypothetical I proposed concerning some third party selecting one’s spouse, which you did not address.
Allowing for restrictions based on age, blood relation and already married status, the ability of the state (or some other third party) to select your spouse would still no violate any rights if the right is defined, as you define it, as “
any person of the opposite sex” (subject to restrictions 1-3).If that is how the right is defined, then arranged marriages would not violate the rights of anyone subjected to such an arranged marriage. Since I assume that there are few courts, legislators or citizens that would tolerate state-arranged marriages, the marriage right must be something more than the right to marry a person of the opposite sex.
Posted by: Fool | April 07, 2005 at 12:43 PM
Marty writes:
Given the complex physiological and psychological differences betweem men and women, I think trying to force society to believe there are no differences, and refusing to allow the government to account for those differences, is a recipie for collective misery.
I'm tempted to begin a discussion here of the myriad and insidious ways that societies dictate those complex physiological and psychological differences, but I worry about the possibility that such a discussion wouldd degenerate into a "nature/nurture" debate ad infinitum.
And, besides, it's not really the point.
One of my professors is Deaf (the capital D denotes community membership). I would never suggest that she necessarily ought to pursue implants that would allow her some amount of hearing, but I do think society should accomodate differences without discriminating. Which is to say that we should all learn sign language, and our society should have no laws based on such physical differences except those that directly help historically disempowered groups.
A Buddhist friend of mine meditates daily, changing his psychology and physiology in complex ways. You'd justify, from that, a law restricting who he can marry based on religion?
Most generally, the point is that yes, due to a number of factors, there are differences between people. Nice people have different psychologies than mean people, and attractive people different physiologies than unattractive people. Some times it's ok to discriminate based on these differences --- no one's going to suggest that you have to higher just as many mean people as nice people --- but the laws shouldn't. And as much as we can it's valuable to work to change the culture to reduce these differences. This means first evaluating, say, meanness and niceness, because it would be much better to make everyone nice than make everyone mean. On gender, I wouldn't want everyone to be men or everyone to be women, but I do want society to give less importance to what gender roles someone adopts, and I want those roles to be more fluid and amorphous.
Pluralism values variation and diversity, and such variation and diversity would be increased by liberalizing gender: right now, two modes of behaviour and sets of roles dominate, whereas a more gender-liberated society would allow different people much more latitude to mix and match. Democracy values empowered equity --- a slightly different concept from formal equality (in which a law proscribing the death sentence for sleeping under bridges behaves equally against poor and rich people, as both are restricted from sleeping under bridges), equity requires proactive measures to assure that even people with profound psychological and physiological differences have the same access to resources and freedoms.
Maybe, and there is much debate on this, maybe heteronormative marriage laws are formally equal based on gender and orientation. But they certainly aren't equitable.
Posted by: Theo | April 07, 2005 at 01:33 PM
Theo, you are quoting "M", not me, above. That's not my post.
Fool, I'm not sure what you're getting at there -- because nobody is arranging marriages, least of all the state, and theres no chance of it happening - aside from some cultural and sub-legal situations among the immigrant populations.
But we all have the same limits to who we can marry, 1,2,3,4, they are all manmade, and have nothing to do with civil rights or sexual orientation. And they have everything to do with who you MAY (and hopefully (but not coercively) WILL) procreate with. Because The State needs smart and loyal kids in the pipeline, and those kind of kids need and deserve their real Mommy and Daddy. Til death do they part.
Posted by: Marty | April 07, 2005 at 06:50 PM
The age restriction, it seems to me, arises from the importance of consent; we don't think people can be married without their full knowledge of what they are doing, and their consent, and we don't think underage people are mature enough to consent. That is a rational reason, not a discriminatory and irrational one, to prevent such marriages. It would also explain why people cannot marry animals and the like, another example the anti-homosexual marriage folks give.
Posted by: Lisa SG | April 23, 2005 at 08:59 AM
The age restriction, it seems to me, arises from the importance of consent; we don't think people can be married without their full knowledge of what they are doing, and their consent, and we don't think underage people are mature enough to consent.
You mischaracterize the consent issue almost as badly as you mischaracterize pro-marriage arguments as "anti-homosexual." Yes, minor consent is an issue in contract law, and marriage is a type of contract, but the law allows minors to contract -- it just doesn't usually bind the minors to the contract. If the problem of marriage of minors was as simple as you describe it, then we'd handle marriage of minors in the same way that we handle most other contracts that minors make -- allow minors to marry, but then allow them to void the contract (i.e. nullify the marriage a la Brittney Spears) up to a reasonable time after they turn 18.
So the contract consent issue is not, in itself, a rational reason to prohibit minors from marrying. There is a rational reason for the prohibition, but to understand that, you'd have to take into account the actual definition of marriage, which defeats your argument.
Posted by: Pete | April 23, 2005 at 01:04 PM
One of my professors is Deaf (the capital D denotes community membership). I would never suggest that she necessarily ought to pursue implants that would allow her some amount of hearing, but I do think society should accomodate differences without discriminating. Which is to say that we should all learn sign language, and our society should have no laws based on such physical differences except those that directly help historically disempowered groups.
No; that's not what "without discriminating" means. What you said means that you want discrimination in favor of groups that you characterize as "historically disempowered." If we follow your logic through to its sinister conclusion, we would abolish music programs in schools (since the deaf cannot benefit from music), and abolish visual art programs as well (since visual arts cannot benefit the blind).
That's not pluralism. Kurt Vonnegut described that sort of program in "Harrisson Bergeron."
Pluralism values variation and diversity ... Democracy values empowered equity --- a slightly different concept from formal equality (in which a law proscribing the death sentence for sleeping under bridges behaves equally against poor and rich people, as both are restricted from sleeping under bridges), equity requires proactive measures to assure that even people with profound psychological and physiological differences have the same access to resources and freedoms.
All of this is true, but I am not convinced that you know what it means, since you are calling for the abolition of what I call marriage rather than trying to institute other institutions that bring the same resources and freedoms to groups that marriage doesn't work for. That's not equity; it's a coerced and artificial equality: you are rewriting my sexual identity and the sexual identity of a majority of Americans in order to accomodate the beliefs of a few.
When the FDA recognizes a Kosher category for food preparation purposes, it is not being Judeocentric; when it recognizes a halal cagegory it is not Islamocentric. When the FDA recognizes the category of "organic foods," it is not stating categorically that such foods are superior to others. When the state recognizes Kwanzaa, it is not being Afrocentric (or rather San Franciscocentric, since Kwanzaa originated in SF). These terms, like marriage, are not perscriptive, but descriptive.
In other words, make new institutions, rather than hijacking and redirecting old functioning ones. It's a pluralist country, and if you know what that means, you should know there is room for a diversity of ideologies and sexual identities. Stop trying to rewrite mine.
Posted by: Pete | April 23, 2005 at 01:24 PM
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Posted by: Kevin | July 05, 2007 at 12:28 PM